Through our lives, the people we surround ourselves with always think they know what's best for us, and we can't be hypocrites, we do the same to them. But how can we really know when it's not actually happening to us? There's no way for us to understand completely. We may know bits and pieces, but the full extent of the situation isn't available for our thoughts.
See, I don't always tell the bad and I don't always tell the good, and sometimes you're lucky if you know either. The problem is, either way you look at it, you don't know the entirety or complexity of what I'm telling you. So how then, can you be a judge of a situation you don't know in full? ...The answer is simple...
You can't.
I will surely take opinions and comments, assumptions and persuasions, say-so and hear say with a grain of salt...but at the end of the day, I feel the way I feel and the theory you asserted at one point in my day can't be found.
Why? Because you've never seen those eyes. You've never heard those words. You've never experienced what I have. You've never felt the way I've felt and it's not something I'm able to convey. Because I know that passion is worth fighting matter what the circumstance...
The right thing at the wrong time is still the wrong thing. That statement is the truest of my life at the moment. But it doesn't mean I'll give up. It doesn't change the way I feel. It doesn't take the dream of the possibilities away. It's worth waiting for...the picture of a full life, complete and accomplished, with the love of my life and the life we've made.
Because this is just a season and seasons don't last forever.
***Disclaimer...this is not about my mother nor is it a post to my mother ;)