Monday, May 16, 2011

Me in a Song...

A very close friend of mine wrote a blog not too long ago about her song.  This isn't just a song she enjoys, it's a song she feels connects with her very being - describes her in a way words can't.  After weeks of trying to find my song, I gave up.  Out of nowhere, my ears and heart sync together in my dark room and I'm taken back to that moment, when I asked myself, "What song do I identify with the most?"  It has been on my yoga playlist for months and it's always been my favorite...the one I always start with, lying on my back with my hands and feet stretched far from my core.  I think, because it calms my breathing and with it's consistent lulls, it focuses my attention on nothing.

Last night I decided to put it on repeat and my thoughts quickly reminded me of Lauren's blog while I was in my downward dog position and it hit me!  Thomas Newman's "Any Other Name" is definitely my song.  It's emotional and seductive.  It approaches suspense then quickly calms itself back into the radiance of bliss.  The eerie, wind-like strings are my thoughts, much deeper than they seem.  The piano rises and falls, drives and defers like my ambitions and apprehensions.  It is meandering and complex like my frustrations, subtle and intricate like my feelings.  The piano's bass notes are anchored like my self-worth, but reinforced with prominence like my personality.  The seemingly aimless chords, feeling a bit irregular, coalesce together to create a vision of perfection and grace.

If I could take the form of a song, I would gladly have this one...on repeat. :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Civil Wars are not married! Seriously?!?! After watching countless videos and listening to "Barton Hollow" on repeat, I surely thought their chemistry (not to mention the way they look at each other) matched that of any married duo...however, I was wrong. They met at a songwriting session in Nashville in 2008 and became popular in 2009 when their single "Poison and Wine" played on an episode of Grey's Anatomy - and they're just a duo, not a couple, at least not with each other. In a world where production and American Idol seem to be the representation of the music industry, out pops a scene that eludes this generalization of preconceived ideas and very quietly reaches up to you and intimately puts it's sound in your ear. It's not flashy or rude, it's very polite and humble.

I love concerts. Loud, bright, sweaty concerts. You don't know the artist personally, you've just listened to their albums over and over and you know you're no different than the other 50,000 people there. You get lost in the excitement and lose the longing for the music. That's not at all how I picture a concert with The Civil Wars...I see dim lights, people clutching their chests, with their eyes closed taking in every strum and harmonic melody, no one speaking a word as to not miss a note. Stripped and raw, simple and intimate.

This "revolution" of sound is brilliant, it's always been around, but somehow it finds it's way out through the most heavenly artists, with the most pure and virtuous do two people find themselves together this way? The mixture of their voices seems almost genetically matched and yet they're not family.

Joy Williams, as a solo artist, is one of my musical inspirations...her style, eerie and moving, seems to be something I've created since I started my music journey (when I have the tools, but my current keyboard is not so useful) - I look forward to the day when my music match finds me.........please be soon. :)