Thursday, September 19, 2013

I'm pretty sure you're not the ONLY people God loves...

God is slow to anger and quick to love...His love isn't selective, and it's not limited, it's unconditional.  Nothing we could ever do can separate us from His love.  Nothing.  Not unbelief, not sin, not doubt, not unholiness, not even atheism.  He loves us all equally.  And it's such a incredible thing that my fate doesn't rest in anyone's hands BUT His.

I came across a post recently, full of ignorance and hate and honestly, it all was so very silly and immature.  These people, who call themselves Christians, acted so impulsively in reaction to what another person had done or said against them and it only added to the fire.  It didn't show love, or patience, or generosity, or compassion, or kindness.  It showed NONE of the fruits of the spirit.  It was a bunch of hostile people ganging up on someone who had wronged them with an opinion.  Do you think that is going to bring people to know Jesus?  Do you think that is showing Christ's love?  Do you think you are building people up or tearing people down?

Christians have no idea the damage they do when they use scripture as a weapon to show people they're right.  Twisting scripture around to fit whatever scenario you want to defend like you're some victim is NOT Christlike.

When Jesus was being whipped and forced to carry a cross and stabbed in the side, he said something really loving and honorable because he was slow to anger and quick to love.  He was compassionate.  Instead of seeing how those soldiers had wronged him, he chose to quietly speak words of life over them, not curse them with hate and tell them they were all going to hell.

So you're verbally attacked.  Get over it.  I'm pretty sure that's what you signed up for..."It's not supposed to be easy" remember?
Being a Christian means living a life worthy of the name of Christ and more than anything, that means loving people no matter how much hell they deserve.

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