Sunday, December 27, 2015

After shame

"Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else."  - Mr. Rogers

I've missed a lot of life lately.  I've been caught up in my sorrows and distracting myself with things and people who aren't necessarily good for me.  It's so easy for old patterns and habits to show up and start taking hold of you.  To let your impulses guide you because dealing with reality just seems too hard.  And before you know it, you've let so much time go by without reaching your goals and LIVING the life you deserve.  You let the regret sink in and, with each decision you make, you crawl deeper and deeper into a black hole.

Behind every smile there is a story.  I smile because it feels better to smile and think on good things than let myself get wrapped up in the pain I'm trying to break free from.  That, most days, feels as though it's chewing me to pieces.  This world we live in is full of hurt.  It's full of hate.  It's full of regret.  But, it's full of happiness and love too.  It's not always easy to choose the happy and find that glimmer of hope that, you can hardly remember, is waiting for you to grab onto and the life you imagined, where your biggest and greatest dreams are reality.  Those dreams sometimes get boxed up and put in the corner, either because other choices took their place or because mistakes were made and your once possible dreams become impossible.  The person you hoped you would be seems unreachable.  So we forget about them and we make room for the idea that life without them isn't so bad, after all.  

I recently walked away from someone who, I imagined, was a dream come true.  I ignored red flags and fell blindly in love with an idea that we were the perfect couple and that if we could just make it past a few bumps, all our dreams would come true.  But I had never had the dream of a man completing me and I can't tell you at what point I lost sight of MY dreams and let him (as I was told) take my sunshine away.  So I lost myself in an unsatisfying role that I had convinced myself was right for me and when everything came to an end, I spent months in what I thought was recovery...I wanted to heal but I was masking my reality with a lie.  Until now.

Looking back, I feel extremely blessed.  I hit career goals, took the my first "big girl" vacation, moved to Tampa, fell in love with a man and his daughter and realized I'm capable of nurturing my own family, and bought my first car.  As a girl, I always had the dream that my life would be incredible but I must admit, there were a few years that I had serious doubts in myself and my future.  But this year proved to me that I can have what I long as I don't settle.  As long as I live the life I'm purposed for.

As I'm right back where I started, I can't help but look back on where my life has taken me.  How I've gotten lost, taken wrong turns, made big mistakes, lost friends, lost self-respect, and caused myself heart ache.  I remember making promises to change my stars.  The person I was when I made that promise was desperate and completely off track.  I was living a life not worthy of the person I was meant to be.  I had come to a crossroad and I had a choice to make.  I could continue down the path I was headed or I could slam on the breaks and find a different path.  I was tired of feeling every choice I made was the wrong choice.  I was tired of kicking myself when I was down.  I couldn't recognize the person in the mirror and it was time to take responsibility for my mistakes and change everything.  EVERYTHING.

I'm trading the bad for the good.  This year was necessary.  It made 2016 a year full of possibilities.  Because of this year, 2016 will be an incredible year, I feel it in my soul.

Without the bad, I wouldn't recognize the good.  I wouldn't see the rainbow if it weren't for the rain.  Had my life been perfect, I wouldn't be who I am today.  I wouldn't be as strong or compassionate.  I wouldn't be working so hard for the good because I wouldn't have the bad to compare it to.  We would never understand the power of light if it weren't for darkness.

I know what it's like to have life hand you so much crap you just want it all to end...but you have to look in front of you, not behind you, and make the choice to have a better future.  Be grateful for where life has brought you and use each day to create the life you deserve.

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