Tuesday, June 22, 2010

All these unopened/open doors...

When a person has decisions to make and they have many choices, what is the best way to decide? Should he open one door at a time just to peek inside and see if that's the one he wants, or should he open them all and go back and forth, or should he pick the one blindly? I believe in taste testers and trying things on, but I don't agree that one should treat relationships or opportunities the same way. This is why polygamy is illegal and omnipresence is impossible. We can obviously have more than one hobby...but people are not hobbies. We can obviously have more than one pair of shoes...but careers are not shoes.

Pretend that one door has a gun aimed right at your head...would you keep it open? How often do we open doors that have disaster behind them? But we walk in and curiously pick things up, or hang out for a while, almost like we're ignoring all the signs that tell us we shouldn't be here. I've opened plenty of these doors and some are still open. So what does it take to close those doors?

Everyone has a conscience, some choose to ignore it, some let it get a little crazy, and some use it effectively. It's not like auto pilot, you can't turn it on and let it live your life for you, unfortunately - very unfortunately, we have free will. Don't get me wrong, it's a great thing to have, but sometimes I'd rather my conscience just say, "Hayli, this door is right for now, and this is how long you should be in there, and after you close it choose this one for a year, and then you'll grow old and die in this one..." But noooo, it's all left up to naive and easily influenced Hayli, and I sure do open the wrong one more times than I'd like.

But thankfully, I know what I'm looking for and the direction I'm going is hard but worth it. I won't let others determine what door I open, I'll let my desires, past mistakes, and wisdom choose. I'll trust that if I do make a mistake, I will try again until I get it right. And I'll believe that, no matter what, I choose my destiny.

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