Monday, June 21, 2010

True Love

If you work hard, stay focused, and never give up you will eventually get what you want in life. Unfortunately, sometimes the things we want the most in life are the very things that kill us. Why are we so self-absorbed? If you really come down to it, you are. I've been thinking on this for a few days now, and I've come to the conclusion that more often times than not I think I love people, but in reality, I'm only judging them.

I may think my recent attempt to be generous was in fact that, but it wasn't, it might have been pity or really just me being judgmental. Maybe I feel I want to help people, give them dignity, like they are candidates for sympathy and yet by judging them, I'm really just taking their dignity away. In this world we love darkness, we are prone to love things that kill us. You might think self-discipline is the answer, you can make yourself do good things, love light, practice being all the things you should be, think good thoughts about people. You could walk through the motions for a while, but sooner or later you're back where you started. Darkness.

This sounds harsh, but truthfully, I may have come to the conclusion that I believe I'm above God's charity. I think I'm putting others first, but just being real with you, I'm being prideful. It's not that I care about others more, but that I feel I'm above the grace of God. Our key role in this relationship with God is to humbly recieve God's unconditional love! Self-discipline will never make us feel righteous or clean. Accepting God's love will, and it will also cause us to obey him in return. "Our 'behavior' will not be changed long with self-discipline, but fall in love and a human will accomplish what he never thought possible." By accepting God's love for us, we fall in love with him, and only then do we have the fuel we need to obey.

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