If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there?
I've spent much of today thinking about who I used to be and how I've changed throughout the years. I've evaluated my strengths and weaknesses, my motivations, my dysfunctions, my urges...what made me the person I was and what has made me the person I am - because the two are so different. I've thought about my limitations and the things that kept me from accomplishing certain dreams or goals I set for myself, the liberations that caused me to reach for them, and the people that changed whatever the outcome could be. I've remembered significant events that started my growth and the processes that kept me learning and changing continuously. All of these things created a woman who looks inside herself not just to find the good but to realize the bad and she tries her best to give a little more, speak a little slower, love a little harder, and hate a little less {only a little, because change is a process}.
"This is what we are all dying for, something that demands we step up and become better, more focused people. Something that calls out the greatness we hope is somewhere inside of us..." ~ Velvet Elvis
What I've come to realize more and more as I grow is that life is in my hands, my choices determine my future. I can pick my destination(s) and the sky is my limit. True dreamers win a lot of battles before their dreams come true...and I consider myself to have won a few battles in my time, but who knows how many more I'll conquer before I finally reach my dreams. It seems though that my dreams change quite often, like myself. They went from wanting to start a traveling ministry to Hillsong to Public Relations - I'm still on PR but I've added Journalism to it - and now I want a family.
Just like everyone else out there, I'm working to be the person I was created to be, and everyday I struggle to realize who exactly that is. I'm desperate to be that person and I'm thankful that I can continue to change until my life is done and that there will always be people around me that encourage that growth.
"Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals for yourself and charge after them in an unstoppable manner." ~ Les Brown
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